English summaries of articles
Dernier ajout : 24 juin.
"Fiodor Chaliapine, un chanteur au croisement des arts"
"Résistances en URSS et en Russie (poésie, cinéma, théâtre, Goulag, vie quotidienne)"
"Dire et montrer le corps mort dans la littérature et dans les arts"
"Rendre sa place à l’Ukraine suivi de Jeunes chercheurs en études russes"
"Gogol et l’imposture"
Natalia Platonova
The Russian Trade Caravans in Beijing in the Eighteen Century Since the Treaty of Nertchinsk signed in 1689, which was followed by the Treaty of Kiakhta in 1728, Russia and the Qing Empire inaugurated their diplomatic and economic relations. Tsar Peter I then took the initiative of establishing a continental caravan traffic in order to connect the capitals of the two vast empires. Despite the ups and downs of Russian-Chinese relations, the complex management and the risks (…)
Alexander Ostrovsky as a playwright and a theater person
Russie : limites et frontières
Textes réunis par Galina Subbotina
LA REVUE RUSSE 53 Le patrimoine russe et soviétique : construction, déconstruction, reconstruction
Boris Kirikov Thoughts about the Specificities of the Architectural Avant-Garde in Leningrad (1920s-1930s) Soviet architectural avant-garde from the 1920s-30s arouses, since a few years, a new interest in Russia, which however does not reflect the state of conservation of these building. In this context, this article proposes to shed light on the avant-garde in Leningrad (St Petersburg), (…)